Anthropology (ANTH)

ANTH 062     Introduction to Physical Anthropology     3 Units

Students are introduced to the field of Physical Anthropology to gain an understanding of the concepts, methods of inquiry, and scientific explanations for biological evolution and their application to the human species. Topics will include the adaptation utilizing scientific principles, evolutionary theory, human genetic variation, nonhuman primates, fossil record, sociobiology, archaeology, biocultural adaptation, forensics, evolutionary medicine, and evolution in the globalized world. The scientific method serves as a foundation for the course. A field trip maybe included. (C-ID ANTH 110)

Lecture Hours: 3  Lab Hours: None  Repeatable: No  Grading: L

Advisory Level: Read: 3 Write: 3 Math: None

Transfer Status: CSU/UC     Degree Applicable: AA/AS

CSU GE: B2, D   IGETC: 4, 5B   District GE: B2, D

ANTH 063     Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology     3 Units

Students are introduced to the field of social and cultural anthropology. Topics include the development of the field of anthropology, the concept of culture, language, ethnicity and communication, patterns of subsistence and economic systems. Students will also gain knowledge from other topics including gender and marriage, family, kinship and descent, political systems, spirituality, religion, the arts, and the challenge of globalization. (C-ID ANTH 120)

Lecture Hours: 3  Lab Hours: None  Repeatable: No  Grading: L

Advisory Level: Read: 3 Write: 3 Math: None

Transfer Status: CSU/UC     Degree Applicable: AA/AS

CSU GE: D   IGETC: 4   District GE: D, ES