English (ENGL)

ENGL 001A     English Composition     3 Units

Students will learn the skills necessary for writing college level compositions. Students learn expository writing, critical reading, and research techniques. Students will also learn to write academic essays including a documented research paper in conventional format using MLA style. English 001A is the first transfer level English course. (C-ID ENGL 100)

Lecture Hours: 3  Lab Hours: None  Repeatable: No  Grading: L

Prerequisite: Continuing students must complete ENGL 092 and READ 101 or ESL 091; all with C or better. New students will be placed based on the results of assessment.

Advisory Level: Read: None Write: None Math: None

Transfer Status: CSU/UC     Degree Applicable: AA/AS

CSU GE: A2   IGETC: 1A   District GE: A2

ENGL 001B     English Composition     3 Units

English 001B is a second semester college composition course. Students will study expository and argumentative writing directed toward an analysis of ideas and concepts from a wide variety of literature. Students will read fiction, drama, poetry, and essays critically reading in these genres for the purpose of writing. (C-ID ENGL_120)

Lecture Hours: 3  Lab Hours: None  Repeatable: No  Grading: L

Prerequisite: ENGL 001A with C or better.

Advisory Level: Read: None Write: None Math: None

Transfer Status: CSU/UC     Degree Applicable: AA/AS

CSU GE: C2   IGETC: 3B   District GE: C2

ENGL 001C     Critical Thinking/Composition     3 Units

Students will learn to identify the basic structures of arguments and the ways people use language to fortify or to falsify arguments. This course presents the techniques of critical reasoning and advanced composition. Students will analyze and demonstrate these techniques by writing and critiquing essays. This course is specifically designed to meet the IGETC critical thinking requirement. (C-ID ENGL 105)

Lecture Hours: 3  Lab Hours: None  Repeatable: No  Grading: L

Prerequisite: ENGL 001A with C or better

Advisory Level: Read: None Write: None Math: None

Transfer Status: CSU/UC     Degree Applicable: AA/AS

CSU GE: A3   IGETC: 1B   District GE: A3

ENGL 010     Great Works of Literature     3 Units

Students will read works considered influential throughout the world. The analysis of form, style, and rhetoric will lead students to an understanding of what comprises great literature. The course is designed to heighten critical awareness of universal themes in literature.

Lecture Hours: 3  Lab Hours: None  Repeatable: No  Grading: L

Prerequisite: ENGL 092 and READ 101 or ESL 091; all with C or better

Advisory Level: Read: None Write: None Math: None

Transfer Status: CSU/UC     Degree Applicable: AA/AS

CSU GE: C2   IGETC: 3B   District GE: C2

ENGL 033     Women in Literature     3 Units

Students will be introduced to literature focusing on images of women as depicted in drama, short stories, poetry, essays and novels. The relationship of self to characters in the literature will also be examined.

Lecture Hours: 3  Lab Hours: None  Repeatable: No  Grading: L

Prerequisite: READ 101 and ENGL 092 or ESL 091 all with C or better, or placement based on assessment

Advisory Level: Read: 3 Write: 3 Math: None

Transfer Status: CSU/UC     Degree Applicable: AA/AS

CSU GE: C2, D   IGETC: 3B   District GE: C2, D, ES

ENGL 065     The Short Story     3 Units

Students will develop the ability to analyze and interpret the short story. Elements of fiction, critical literary approaches, historical context, author-biographical information, and techniques for writing about literature will be covered.

Lecture Hours: 3  Lab Hours: None  Repeatable: No  Grading: L

Advisory Level: Read: None Write: None Math: None

Transfer Status: CSU/UC     Degree Applicable: AA/AS

CSU GE: C2   IGETC: 3B   District GE: C2

ENGL 071A     Fundamentals of Creative Writing/Poetry     3 Units

Students will be introduced to the fundamentals of writing poetry, such as figurative language, and will explore poetic forms, including the sonnet, blank verse, ballad, haiku, villanelle, and free verse. Students will discuss and analyze poems written by published writers and by their classmates. (C-ID ENGL 200 when combined with ENGL 071B)

Lecture Hours: 3  Lab Hours: None  Repeatable: No  Grading: L

Advisory Level: Read: 3 Write: 3 Math: None

Transfer Status: CSU/UC     Degree Applicable: AA/AS

CSU GE: C2   IGETC: None   District GE: C2

ENGL 071B     Fundamentals of Creative Writing/Fiction     3 Units

Students are introduced to techniques in fiction writing, such as description, setting, theme, character development, narration, short story, novella, and the novel. Students will read and produce works of fiction. (C-ID ENGL 200 when combined with ENGL 071A)

Lecture Hours: 3  Lab Hours: None  Repeatable: No  Grading: L

Advisory Level: Read: 3 Write: 3 Math: None

Transfer Status: CSU/UC     Degree Applicable: AA/AS

CSU GE: C2   IGETC: None   District GE: C2

ENGL 071C     Fundamentals of Creative Writing/Drama     3 Units

Students are introduced to the principles and forms of drama such as conflict, setting, timing, pace, dialogue, scene-building, radio or television plays, one-act, and full-length plays for the theatre. Students will produce a portfolio of drama.

Lecture Hours: 3  Lab Hours: None  Repeatable: No  Grading: L

Advisory Level: Read: 3 Write: 3 Math: None

Transfer Status: CSU/UC     Degree Applicable: AA/AS

CSU GE: C2   IGETC: None   District GE: C2

ENGL 073     Introduction to Shakespeare     3 Units

Students will study Shakespeare as a major figure in literary history. Through examination of selected works, students will recognize the immense contribution Shakespeare's texts have had, and continue to have, in the modern world's literary, artistic, and cultural compositions. This course is designed to increase the awareness on the part of the student with regards to the contributions Shakespeare's works have had on society, and to increase the appreciation of those works' influence and artistic construction.

Lecture Hours: 3  Lab Hours: None  Repeatable: No  Grading: L

Advisory Level: Read: 4 Write: 4 Math: None

Transfer Status: CSU/UC     Degree Applicable: AA/AS

CSU GE: C2   IGETC: 3B   District GE: C2

ENGL 079     Memoir Writing     3 Units

Students will study the characterics and techniques of memoir writing. They will analyze styles employed by authors in diverse autobiographical works. Students will incorporate this knowledge into their own autobiographical exercises.

Lecture Hours: 3  Lab Hours: None  Repeatable: No  Grading: L

Advisory Level: Read: 3 Write: 3 Math: None

Transfer Status: CSU/UC     Degree Applicable: AA/AS

CSU GE: C2   IGETC: None   District GE: C2

ENGL 080     Mexican-American Literature     3 Units

Students will study the literary contributions of both Mexican and Mexican-American writers from the early 20th Century to the present. The course is designed to heighten critical awareness of the image of the Mexican-American in distinct genres of literature. The focus is on the relationship of the literature to society and the various themes contained in the literature.

Lecture Hours: 3  Lab Hours: None  Repeatable: No  Grading: L

Transfer Status: CSU/UC     Degree Applicable: AA/AS

CSU GE: C2, D   IGETC: 3B, 4   District GE: C2, D, ES

ENGL 081     Introduction to African American Literature     3 Units

Students are introduced to African American literature from the late 18th century to the present. The focus of the course is on African American literature as it relates to culture, society, and ideology. Topics such as heritage, racial pride, political struggle for respect, and gender issues will be included. Students will read representative literature including poetry, essays, short stories, drama, and novels from major periods of African American writing that influenced society. The course is designed to heighten awareness of African American literature as a major contribution to American literature.

Lecture Hours: 3  Lab Hours: None  Repeatable: No  Grading: L

Advisory Level: Read: None Write: None Math: None

Transfer Status: CSU/UC     Degree Applicable: AA/AS

CSU GE: C2, D   IGETC: 3B, 4   District GE: C2, D, ES

ENGL 084A     Survey of American Literature I     3 Units

Students will study the progression of American literature from its beginning to 1865 with emphasis on social and cultural backgrounds. This course includes works of writers of the Colonial, Revolutionary, and Romantic periods. (C-ID ENGL 130)

Lecture Hours: 3  Lab Hours: None  Repeatable: No  Grading: L

Advisory Level: Read: 4 Write: 4 Math: None Prerequisite: Eligible for college-level English composition as determined by multiple measures.

Transfer Status: CSU/UC     Degree Applicable: AA/AS

CSU GE: C2   IGETC: 3B   District GE: C2

ENGL 084B     Survey of American Literature II     3 Units

Students will study the progression of American literature from 1865 to the present with emphasis on social and cultural backgrounds. This course includes works of writers of the Realist, Naturalist, Modernist, and Contemporary movements. (C-ID ENGL 135)

Lecture Hours: 3  Lab Hours: None  Repeatable: No  Grading: L

Prerequisite: ENGL 092 and READ 101 or ESL 091; all with C or better or placement based on assessment.

Advisory Level: Read: 4 Write: 4 Math: None

Transfer Status: CSU/UC     Degree Applicable: AA/AS

CSU GE: C2   IGETC: 3B   District GE: C2

ENGL 086A     Survey of British Literature I     3 Units

Students are introduced to the development of British literature from its beginnings in the 8th Century AD through the 18th Century. Students will read and discuss examples of epic, lyric, drama, and prose writings. (C-ID ENGL 160)

Lecture Hours: 3  Lab Hours: None  Repeatable: No  Grading: L

Advisory Level: Read: 4 Write: 4 Math: None

Transfer Status: CSU/UC     Degree Applicable: AA/AS

CSU GE: C2   IGETC: 3B   District GE: C2

ENGL 086B     Survey of British Literature II     3 Units

Students are introduced to British Literature from the 18th Century AD through the present day. Students will read and discuss examples of epic, lyric, drama, and prose writings. (C-ID ENGL 165)

Lecture Hours: 3  Lab Hours: None  Repeatable: No  Grading: L

Prerequisite: ENGL 092 and READ 101 or ESL 091; all with C or better or placement based on assessment.

Advisory Level: Read: 4 Write: 4 Math: None

Transfer Status: CSU/UC     Degree Applicable: AA/AS

CSU GE: C2   IGETC: 3B   District GE: C2

ENGL 092     Essay Development     4 Units

Students will focus on the writing of short compositions in response to readings reflecting sentence variety, syntactic complexity, and paragraph efficiency using a variety of rhetorical modes. Students will also read college-level materials and write responses to the readings. Students will edit compositions for punctuation, spelling, and capitalization errors. This course prepares students for English 001A, the General Education transfer English Composition course.

Lecture Hours: 4  Lab Hours: None  Repeatable: No  Grading: K

Prerequisite: New students will be placed based on the results of assessment.

Advisory Level: Read: None Write: None Math: None

Transfer Status: None     Degree Applicable: NAA

CSU GE: None   IGETC: None   District GE: None

ENGL 098     Directed Study     0.5-9 Units

Individual or small groups of students who would benefit from Independent Study under the direction of faculty members in specific or related disciplines may develop individualized learning contracts designed to enhance their individual instructional programs. The students and the faculty member in consultation with the Division Dean will determine appropriate learning objectives and activities as well as the number of units to be earned. Instructions and the Learning Contract forms are available in the Division office. Repeatable to a maximum of 9 units across all disciplines.

Lecture Hours: None  Lab Hours: 2.07  Repeatable: Yes  Grading: O

Prerequisite: ENGL 001A with C or better

Advisory Level: Read: None Write: None Math: None

Transfer Status: CSU     Degree Applicable: AA/AS

CSU GE: None   IGETC: None   District GE: None

ENGL 120     College Composition Skills Support     2 Units

Students will develop writing and critical thinking skills to enhance success in ENGL 001A. This is a supplemental support course for ENGL 001A. Students will practice a variety of writing and revision techniques and build research literacy. Topics may include essay organization, writing for an audience, using college level diction and tone, and self-reflective strategies for revision. This course must be taken concurrently with ENGL 001A.

Lecture Hours: 2  Lab Hours: None  Repeatable: No  Grading: O

Read: None Write: None Math: None Corequisite: ENGL 001A

Transfer Status: None     Degree Applicable: NAA

CSU GE: None   IGETC: None   District GE: None

ENGL 587     Essay Exam Practice: WST & CBEST     0 Units

This non-credit course offers transfer bound and other students an opportunity to strengthen their grammar and language awareness, focusing specifically on the Writing Skills Test (WST) and other related tests of the CSU system as well as the California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST). The course offers an overview of English sentence structure; practice in identifying and correcting errors in writing; and practice in timed writing.

Lecture Hours: 2  Lab Hours: None  Repeatable: Yes  Grading: N

Open Curriculum: No prerequisite, corequisite or levels

Transfer Status: None     Degree Applicable: NC

CSU GE: None   IGETC: None   District GE: None