College Philosophy
The College’s rich history and values of equity, opportunity, and social justice shapes the current operational philosophy. The diverse student body arrives at the College with a wide range of individual interests, achievement and career goals. The College offers programs and services that provide access and opportunities, and believes that growth toward full recognition and use of individual abilities is a fundamental human right. This is enhanced by professional guidance and services by faculty and classified professionals deeply committed to such principles and philosophy.
The College believes that high quality instruction must be offered in all courses and programs and that faculty guarantee such quality by continuously reexamining teaching standards and instructional programs, guided by sustained intellectual inquisitiveness, respect for difference, and multicultural learning.
We believe that a wide variety of culturally responsive curricula must be available to provide students of different interests, sensibilities and goals the opportunity and motivation to succeed at a high scholastic level.
We believe that we must stimulate students to think critically and creatively, to recognize and enhance personal capabilities, so as to participate actively and effectively in a dynamic, increasingly global, society.
We believe that we have an obligation to respond to the academic and cultural needs of our community; to maintain a collaborative leadership role in defining and clarifying the needs and aspirations of the community; to provide for their realization through services within the functions of this College as an educational institution; and to warrant community support through dedication to excellence in learning.